Considering Covid-19's impact on development in 2020, too, the smart money’s on some time in 2022. With no gameplay revealed yet and not even a vague release window offered, late 2021 seems the absolute earliest. The Initiative formed in 2018, but it’s not like they all sat down on their first day together and immediately began coding levels for Perfect Dark. Thanks to the featurette, we know a decent bit about the game despite not seeing it in action yet, so let’s dive in with everything we know.
Plus, the people who played Perfect Dark as kids (me!) are adults now, so there’s more than a little bit of nostalgia swirling around the buzz for a new game. Despite being left out in the cold for so long and not having that much to go on in the first place, Perfect Dark has managed to remain a beloved series, with a sizable fanbase eager to see more now that the switch has finally been flicked. Remaster aside, it only had two games, and while both were good, neither were that revolutionary.